Sahar 2 months ago

Creative Non-Fiction is a writing style I wanted to explore for a while and which I believed would broaden my knowledge and flair.

The course was planned meticulously and this showed distinctly in every aspect - from the design of each module with each being broken down into digestible chunks, to the course materials and the ease of navigation on the website. Plus, it's always a pleasure listening to the soothing voice of Valerie Khoo - and the author interviews were a fantastic bonus!

The course has opened my eyes to the depths and dimensions of Creative Non-Fiction, how important all the elements are even if seemingly tiny, and expanded my knowledge, which in turn has inspired some confidence in my capacity to be able to write well in this genre.

Every now and then, I mention to friends that I like to take a course with the Australian Writers' Centre to replenish my knowledge and skills - and my comments are always the same: that the AWC is fantastic, thorough, trustworthy, and with a genuine interest in both the content it teaches and its students. I always then go on to note that many of Australia's best writers have come out of the AWC. All wonderful things! Thank you, AWC!

Jara McKinlay 2 months ago

A really practical and well-rounded course. It helped give me tools and clear direction to move from someone just passionately playing around with creative writing into someone who feels excited to pursue the challenge of pulling my writing into the form of an actual book.

Really enjoyed learning all the tips about structure and importance of creating a cohesive narrative that builds upon itself and weaves together with resonance.

Very practical and interesting course. Well worth the time and investment!

Rob Goudey 2 months ago

The course was very well taught. Gave me an insight to this form of publishing that I didn't previously have.

I realised that my character's life story fits very neatly into one of the narrative structures. I had a kind of structure in mind before I started the course, but the course material helped to give it more force.

I would say that the AWC course I completed was very helpful and it gave a confidence boost to this aspirational author.

Dr Tamasin Ramsay 4 months ago

I was attracted to this course by the desperate need to turn my PhD thesis into a book. I had high expectations and you matched them.

It made an overwhelming process seem doable. I loved being taken through a clear structure.

This book is not only an ethnography of a spiritual community, it also includes auto-ethnography of my own life. I learned the reason why 14 years passed and seven attempts to find my "voice" ended up in the bin. There was a level of honesty I needed to find and it was the practical structure of the course that made it possible. Finding those inciting incidents and following the steps which are designed to give readers reasons to want to know more. I had always thought, 'why would anyone want to read a book about a woman they don't know?' And although I do know about universal narratives (I'm an anthropologist after all!) the security of that notion felt freakishly flimsy when I tried applying it to myself and my own story. Anyway, I did it. The muse visited me for some. The rest was hard work. But I was so happy with the first draft! Now I am on the second draft (this is the one where I want to throw it in the bin). But I have a publisher and I have a reader! So... onwards!

Rochelle 8 months ago

I want to write a travel memoir. I had no idea where to start and felt overwhelmed at the idea! I found this course through a google search and loved that it was online, in my own time, and affordable.

I loved having access to the whole course right from the start and being able to go at my own pace. It was easy to follow and quite informative.

I've never studied writing before so it was great to learn the fundamentals from step one all the way to editing and publishing.

It is a clear, thorough, easy-to-follow course that's fun and is very affordable.

Travis Bowden 9 months ago

I was attracted to this course because I wanted to share a story I felt passionate about which I thought could have broad appeal. I liked that it was so comprehensive and able to be completed flexibly.

The course has given me the skills to take my manuscript to the next level, nearing completion. It has helped to give me the confidence to continue writing my book and see it through to the finish.

Go for it!

Barbara Kelly 11 months ago

The course was pitched at my level of ability but was still challenging. I just loved every bit of it. Of course, it will take time to practise the skills and then put them to good use.

It was all enjoyable but probably I enjoyed particularly the aspects of writing demonstrated that deepened my learning e.g. the literary techniques, how to plan the narrative arc, structure and particularly the fact-checking section. Also I was very interested how other writers employed these writing skills.

I now have more enthusiasm, energy to move forward, more knowledge and confidence and thirst for more writing knowledge and of course more aptitude to do my own writing whatever that may be.

The whole course just lit my fire for more.

Stephen Walker 1 year ago

I've been considering writing about a non-fictional subject for a few years. Although I have written for work over an extensive period I did feel the need to underpin that with the rigour of a structured course.

I enjoyed the ease of picking up a lesson when I wanted and not being forced to follow a strict timetable. The overall structure of the course was great. I feel I gained most value in the later stages with the discussion about editing and publishing. This was very useful.

Simon Menelaws 1 year ago

Valerie's delivery of the material was very enjoyable and easy to listen to.

I feel like I now know what to expect when it comes to writing my book because I know how to create a structure and what the different stages of editing are. Realising that structure drives forward the narrative; structure is the mechanism for momentum.

Julietta la rosa 1 year ago

Because I struggle with writer's block and narrative structure, this course helped me understand how much skill building I need in writing. This inspired me to keep going with my writing journey.

I enjoyed understanding the story template of the hero's journey, the characters, and telling versus showing examples which helped me to continue on the path to be a professional writer.

I learnt important tools from the modules, such as structure and rising tension, which helped me understand what I need to do to write my book in a creative way, and also the confidence to continue with my book.

The writing course was important to do, giving you skills and knowledge relating to creative writing, that I believe is needed before writing a book.

Joe France 1 year ago

I have wanted to write for a long time, but not ready to write creative fiction yet. I have a great deal of business experience, so creative non-fiction suits me at this stage.

The structure is very helpful. I now have the vision for my next book and the direction I want to go in.

The courses are world-class, focused on exactly what you need to know, without any fluff. Extremely practical for the real world.

Danielle Phelan 1 year ago

I enjoyed the self-paced nature of the course, the examples and the insights from authors. It's made me even more determined to write and given me the confidence to just do it.

I think writing non-fiction is far more formulaic than I realised. The course breaks the 'formula' into bite-sized categories or elements that somehow make the whole seem more achievable.

AWC courses are a worthwhile investment in you and your passion for writing; they are comprehensive, practical, and affordable.

Jörg Probst 1 year ago

Excellent presentation, variety of content, well-structured, covers everything.

It was inspiring to see how other writers work and what to look out for. I will have to go through the course again.

I'm impressed by the quality and depth and presentation of AWC's courses.

Pauline Wilson 2 years ago

I have decided to write a creative non-fiction book about my path to becoming an author.

The content was useful but also engaging and entertaining. My major learning was the importance of making sure everything is factual whilst ensuring that it is not just a list of facts and dates.

I have done several courses with the Australian Writers' Centre which have proven invaluable to achieving my goal to become a published author. These courses helped me to keep going through the often difficult stages of writing my first full manuscript when I thought I might give up. Now I am almost ready to self-publish my first historical fiction novel. I would never have made it this far without the Australian Writers' Centre.

Karen 2 years ago

I enjoyed the activities in the workbook which helped the modules make more sense. I learned a lot about writing, planning and story structure.

Great course to give you the basics of writing creative non-fiction.

Vanessa Mercer 2 years ago

It was a great overview and gave me lots of food for thought. Doing the course helped me crystallise my idea for a creative non-fiction book, which in turn made the course seem more relevant.

I thought this course was pitched at just the right level for someone contemplating CNF and it was very comprehensive. It seemed to anticipate and answer all my questions.

The course was able to address most hesitations I have had about attempting to write a CNF book. I appreciated the excerpts from published CNF used as examples. (I will probably go and read a number of those books now).

It has encouraged me to pursue my idea for a CNF story and I have subsequently signed up for Novel Writing Essentials.

AWC courses are good value for money and the range of courses available is comprehensive. The online self-paced courses are good for self-motivated people with busy lifestyles.

Helen Simpson 2 years ago

Very thorough with good examples to emphasise points

I enjoyed the structure, the narrator, the content and having a year to go back over parts again and again when they were relevant to the next part of my project.

It reminds me it can be a long project but to keep working and I'll get there. I realise what I need to do and what else still lies ahead.

Excellent content and does what it says it will. I love the light humour throughout which says to me, this is hard work but it's a creative venture and should be enjoyable. You can accomplish your project if you are willing to work at it and learn. It is a journey.

Rachel Bardsley-Smith 2 years ago

I have a story in my head and my heart which I have been wanting to write, but I needed direction and training.

The part that I found most fulfilling was being able to work through the story I already want to write. I was able to explore what it could look like on the page using the scaffolding and advice given in this course. I feel like I have a much clearer vision of what I want to achieve and I have the knowledge and understanding now of how to achieve it. Thank you!

The course has impacted my writing in many ways. The importance of planning in the process of creating creative non-fiction has become paramount to me - not in the sense that it is a rigid plan - but a plan that will bend and morph as it develops, where the end process may look very different to the one originally envisaged. All with the intent that my story will be told well - really well. At the forefront of my mind as I write is making the story come to life by adding detail, and interesting word choices and finding my voice in the process. I want to be intentional about creating characters who are real and relatable and a setting that is palpable to the reader. This course has helped me to explore how to achieve these things.

This course gives you the tools you need to turn a good 'true' story into something truly great.

Michael Hoffman 2 years ago

I want to write a collection of short true stories on a niche topic. I also had some time during COVID with few work commitments.

I enjoyed Valerie's clear explanations and examples from published books.

Given me lots of things to keep in mind when, and if, I start the process. The narrative arc - such a crucial element. Interesting to see how I can apply it to short true stories about people's experiences.

Do it. Lots of good tips and knowledge crucial to a writer starting out.

Nigel McQuitty 2 years ago

I'm writing biographies for a charity organisation and have always been interested in creative non-fiction.

I enjoyed the use of the examples from well-known authors. Also the clear layout of the course. I think I have a clearer idea of structure and I picked up some very useful tips.

The AWC offers an extensive range of courses taught by passionate teachers. The courses are insightful, inspiring and practical and will guide you in the world of writing.


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